Reed Diffuser | Ojai Lavender


A calming vortex surrounded by sun-drenched fields, orange groves and lavender farms, jagged mountains washed in a rosy, sunset glow. Aromatic, herbal, citrus. Pixie tangerine, blue lavender, coyote mint.

P.F. Candle Co.'s Reed Diffusers come in apothecary-inspired amber glass bottles with our signature kraft label and rattan reeds. Low-maintenance scent throw, all day long - no match necessary.

Great for
Low-maintenance scent throw, all day long - no match necessary.

Fragrance Family
Fresh and Earthy

Scent Throw

P.F. Candle Co.'s reed diffusers contain 89 ml of fine fragrance oil in a 118 ml amber apothecary-inspired bottle. Lasts approximately 2-3 months. Flip the reeds every so often to refresh the scent.